Lots of us have ideas we think would make great businesses, yet most of us never do anything about these ideas. Probably because we just wouldn’t know where to start. But what if you took the first step? Where could it lead?
This book is about 21 businesses that began by someone acting on their idea, making the decision to start a business. These businesses then grew to be incredibly successful and world renown.
We reveal the stories behind some of the world’s biggest brands, including:
• Where the initial idea came from
• How the brand names were chosen
• How and when the businesses first started
• How long it took to make that first million
• The challenges the founders faced
• And the secrets to each brand’s success
Classic Drucker
₦5,000.00 ₦5,000.00DRUCKER DID MORE than break the sod for a new field of knowledge: he planted in it ideas that are as fruitful today as they ever were. Each year, managers discover extraordinary and immediate relevance in articles and books he wrote before they were born, or even before their parents were born
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