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Bestseller Authors

Wedding Dress

2,500.00 2,500.00

Breaking down every detail of wedding dresses and suggesting which styles suit different body shapes, this title covers all components of the dress in addition to offering advice for essential accessories such as veils, shoes and bags. Advice for the larger bride, pregnant brides, bridesmaids and attendants is also included. Additional sections offer advice on what to consider when buying your dress. There are tips for wearing and looking after your dress on the big day as well as a comprehensive glossary.

Hope’s Wristwatch

3,500.00 3,500.00

whether in poetry or prose, the primary preoccupation of Tony Marinho’s art has always been to highlight, and to comment on the numerous ills that plague our contemporary world. Not for him, it seems, the luxury or indulgence, of ‘art for art’s sake, when everywhere you look, we are assailed by a multitude of problems-HIV/AIDS, war, poverty, corruption, prostitution, child slavery, etc….

Granny’s Special Cookery Book

2,000.00 2,000.00

Granny’s cookery book with its combination of Nigerian and Brazilian recipes is the realization of the ninety year old author’s dream of hoping to share and pass on her culinary experiences to “young modern-day homemakers and wives who may not have been privileged to grow up around the cooking pot.” This handy book, creatively wand attractively designed will help popularize African cuisine.

Things Fall Apart 

3,000.00 3,000.00

“…In the writing of the two essays in this book, I went to great lengths to press my readings of Achebe’s first novel, things Fall Apart, into service in an effort to see hopeful signs in otherwise quite bleak circumstances in Nigeria and Africa…in each of the respective readings of Achebe’s novel in these two essays, I was writing under very great pressure of one and of discursive context….I was also constrained by the pressure of etiquette, the celebration of the anniversary of Achebe’s novel being a festive occasion in which one could not afford to be seen as being too sanguine in expressing one’s bitterness about the state of things in Nigeria, Africa and the world.”

NIGERIA – A New History Of A Turbulent Century 

5,000.00 5,000.00

A new history of a turbulent century

Known as the African giant, Nigeria’s story is complex and often contradictory. How, despite the ravages o colonialism, civil war, ongoing economic disappointment and most recently the Biko haram insurgency, has the country managed to stay together for a hundred years? Why, despite an abundance of oil, mineral and agricultural wealth, have so many of its people remained in poverty? These are the key questions explored by Richard Bourne in this remarkable and wide-ranging account of Nigeria’s history, from its creation in 1914 to the historic 2015 elections and beyond.


Revolution of Ideas

3,500.00 3,500.00

This is my fifth book. It’s a collection of some of my best economic ideas over time. It is focused on Nigeria to a large extent and encompasses my thoughts for our country and people. This book is named REVOLUTION OF IDEAS because the ideas herein are indeed out-of-the-box and revolutionary. I believe that the ideas that will transit Nigeria people of color out of the current state of pity, lie in the mind. I have put my perspective together here. I assure that you’ll find it indeed interesting. Let’s get going

The Millionaire Fastlane

4,500.00 4,500.00

There is a fast lane to millions, a short cut paved by mathematics, where you can live rich now versus dying rich later. Instead, you have been brainwashed by an army of financial gurus who pitch a dream killing dogma known as get rich slow, their suffocating plan promises elderly riches by recklessly gambling your financial future to the stock market, the job market and the housing market. Reject hope and pray as a financial plan, switch lanes, go fast lane and awaken your dreams to reality

Change is Going To Come

3,500.00 3,500.00

CHANGE IS GOING TO COME is a compendium of engaging essays and ideas for developing countries to rethink their state and get out of economic morass. It is not a political book but a book of interrogation on questions such as: What does change really mean? It contains common-sensical but overlooked solutions to problems such as the proper use of resources, thinking right socially and politically, and being realistic in an unrealistic environment. Put together by one of the Nigeria’s finest rising economic analysts, it is a simple book written in a conversational manner that will help to get people thinking right – if they listen.


3,500.00 3,500.00

CRUSH-ED is not another whining story about the African experience, even though the title may lead in that direction. The title is really an acronym for the strategies that Africa (the sub-Saharan region in Particular), must adopt if it is not to face extinction in the medium to long term. The book presents pungent and urgent, analysis of the precarious situation that region of Africa has found itself; a situation foisted not only by the historical facts of slave trade and colonialism (as most texts on the subject are wont to aver), but most importantly the failure of the African states themselves to properly interpret their cultures and how those clash with the ones they are try to adopt and adapt to.


Let It God – Forgive So You Can Be Forgiven

3,500.00 3,500.00

Your mouth ever gotten you in a tangled-up mess?

Maybe it’s time you adopted a new rule of tongue.

Got words? Oh yeah, you do! The average women speaks over 20,000 a day – not to mention the ones she types online. Karen Ehman – a woman whose words have often landed her in a heap of trouble – shares from experience the hows (and how-not-tos) of dealing with the tongue. KEEP IT SHUT will teach you:

  • The difference between gossip and properly processing with a trusted friend
  • A helpful grid for using our digital tongue as we talk online or on social media
  • How to pause before you pounce, attacking the problem but not the person
  • How to avoid saying something permanently painful just because you are temporarily ticked off
  • What the Bible teaches about making our speech laced with grace, as sweet as honey, and yet seasoned with salt

Using biblical examples, as well as Karen’s own personal (and sometimes painful!) stories, KEEP IT SHUT will equip you to know what to say, how best to say it, and when you’d better just keep your lips zipped!

On Wollstonecraft

4,000.00 4,000.00

Get inside the minds of great thinkers in history. Each volume in the Wadsworth Philosophers series provides a brief and accessible insight into the ideas of major philosophers throughout history. Each of the authors in the series is a scholar writing with expert knowledge and understanding of the philosopher under discussion.

Series editor Daniel Kolak, Chairman of the Department of Philosophy at The William Peterson University New Jersey; oversees each volume, helping to ensure  that each book achieves its goal of empowering the reader to better understand the original works of these influential thinkers.

Dead Heat

4,500.00 4,500.00

The stage is set for war. And in the midst of a world ready to explode, American president James MacPherson’s second term is ending.

The battle to succeed him is heating up into the most fiercely contested presidential election in American history. Who will lead a bitterly divided country over the next four years? And just what role-if any-does the U.S. play in history’s last days?

How To Win Elections

5,000.00 5,000.00
The book draws from the decades of experience of its authors working with and understanding electorates across African countries, as well as from global trends and attitudes the world over, to highlight the roles that factors such as legacy, political parties and other establishments play in determining the outcomes of elections.
It represents a comprehensive guide that will help aspirants, political actors, civil societies, donors, social activists and most importantly, citizens understand the tectonic shifts taking place in the electoral ecosystem across the world. – Brand Crunch

The Copper Scroll

3,500.00 3,500.00

On June 1, 1956, the New York Times broke a story that captured the imagination  of the world. Another Dead Sea Scroll had been found, unlike any before it, describing unimaginable treasures worth untold billions buried in the hills east of Jerusalem and under the Holy City itself.

Now, more than fifty years after the Copper Scroll was unveiled, New York Times best-selling author Joel C. Rosenberg takes you on his most exciting and heart-pounding ride yet.

Life In Rewind

2,000.00 2,000.00

Ed’s life was thrown into turmoil when his mother, the centre of his universe, died. Unable to articulate his sorrow and his pain, he became increasingly isolated from his friends and family, and his grief began to manifest itself in bizarre physical affectations. Over time he developed an extreme case of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Thirteen years on, living alone in a basement, Ed was consumed by the idea of stopping time from moving forward.

Going Gently

2,500.00 2,500.00

Kate Copson, born in 1899, is the oldest patient on Ward 3C, Whetstone General Hospital. With her hundredth birthday approaching at the speed of an express train, Kate is engaged in a race against time with a difference: she wants her life to crash into the buffers before she has to listen to the Queen’s telemessage and a rousing chorus of “For She’s a Jolly Good Fellow”, but not before she’s worked out which of her three sons is responsible for the murder of her fourth – or is it fifth? – husband, Graham Eldridge. Confined to bed after suffering a massive stroke, Kate is alert and rational. Although she retains limited power of movement, she feigns paralysis in order that she may, free of distractions, replay the mental video of her life and, she hopes, eliminate two of her sons from suspicion of murder.

Feed The Goat

3,500.00 3,500.00

Shaun Goater was signed by Alex Ferguson almost as a political pawn after a Manchester United tour of Bermuda went disastrously wrong. He never made it with United and instead moved on to Rotherham. Undeterred by homesickness and the Yorkshire weather, he became a huge favourite at Millmoor before moving to Bristol City, where his goalscoring exploits endeared him to the fans and caught the eye of Man City manager Joe Royle. He won over the skeptical City following, who had seen him only as a journeyman striker bought to plug a gap. Within a year, he’d become a cult figure and his knack of poaching goals soon gave rise to one of the best modern-day terrace chants ‘Feed the Goat and he will score’. Season after season, the bond between player and supporters grew and his name was etched into City folklore. He was captain for their last match at Maine Road before joining Reading. His career stalled with the Royals when manager Alan Pardew left a few weeks after Goater’s arrival and Steve Coppell took over. He went out on loan to Coventry before Southend United rescued him at the start of their highly successful 2005/06 season. Feed the Goat is the inspirational tale of a universally respected player who refused to give up on his dream.

The Practice Of Management

3,500.00 3,500.00

A classic since its publication in 1954, THE PRACTICE OF MANAGEMENT was the first book to look at management as a whole and being a manager as a separate responsibility. THE PRACTICE OF MANAGEMENT created the discipline of modern management practices. Readable, fundamental, and basic, it remains an essential book for students, aspiring managers, and seasoned professionals.

Framework For Credit Risk Management

3,500.00 3,500.00

This manual serves as an excellent introduction to the variety of business context in which credit risk can occur. It explains the different types of credit risk and proceeds to examine how such risk can be anticipate and managed. All methods by which credit risk can be controlled are examined in turn; starting with a description of he principles of credit management and proceeding to explain the principles of good lending, credit venting, security, insurance and the overall management of the credit cycle.

The Paradox Of Asset Pricing

5,000.00 5,000.00

Asset pricing theory abounds with elegant mathematical models. The logic is so compelling that the models are widely used in policy, from banking, investments and corporate finance to government. To what extent, however, can these models predict what actually happens in financial markets? In the Paradox of Asset Pricing, a leading financial researcher argues forcefully that the empirical record is weak at best. Peter Bossaerts undertakes the most thorough, technically sound investigation in many years into scientific character of the pricing of financial assets.

Danger Zone – Avoid Being In A Medieval Dungeon!

2,500.00 2,500.00

This is an ideal text for shared and guided reading for Key Stage 2 pupils within the framework of the National Literacy Strategy. It is set towards the end of the 15th century and casts the reader as an ex-soldier turned gaoler in the king’s dungeon, trying to keep the prisoners in check. It investigates the conditions of dungeon life and the corruption of the punishment system. The cartoon-style illustrations and the narrative approach encourage readers to become emotionally involved with the characters and to be interested in the relationship between the gaoler and his captives. Will the reader be the kind and considerate sort, who looks after the prisoners, or a bloodthirsty and cruel torturer? The book includes handy hints and informative captions to make the job safer and less smelly!

Sherlock Holmes – And The Adventure At The Copper Beeches

2,500.00 2,500.00

Is Violet Hunter’s new job too good be true?

Violet Hunter takes a job as a governess at the Copper Beeches. But she is puzzled when her employees ask her to cut her hair ad wear a special dress. Things get stranger still when she finds a lock of hair that looks like her own and a mysterious hallway. Violet turns to Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson for help, but is it already too late?