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Bestseller Authors

Wedding Dress

2,500.00 2,500.00

Breaking down every detail of wedding dresses and suggesting which styles suit different body shapes, this title covers all components of the dress in addition to offering advice for essential accessories such as veils, shoes and bags. Advice for the larger bride, pregnant brides, bridesmaids and attendants is also included. Additional sections offer advice on what to consider when buying your dress. There are tips for wearing and looking after your dress on the big day as well as a comprehensive glossary.

Hope’s Wristwatch

3,500.00 3,500.00

whether in poetry or prose, the primary preoccupation of Tony Marinho’s art has always been to highlight, and to comment on the numerous ills that plague our contemporary world. Not for him, it seems, the luxury or indulgence, of ‘art for art’s sake, when everywhere you look, we are assailed by a multitude of problems-HIV/AIDS, war, poverty, corruption, prostitution, child slavery, etc….

Granny’s Special Cookery Book

2,000.00 2,000.00

Granny’s cookery book with its combination of Nigerian and Brazilian recipes is the realization of the ninety year old author’s dream of hoping to share and pass on her culinary experiences to “young modern-day homemakers and wives who may not have been privileged to grow up around the cooking pot.” This handy book, creatively wand attractively designed will help popularize African cuisine.

Things Fall Apart 

3,000.00 3,000.00

“…In the writing of the two essays in this book, I went to great lengths to press my readings of Achebe’s first novel, things Fall Apart, into service in an effort to see hopeful signs in otherwise quite bleak circumstances in Nigeria and Africa…in each of the respective readings of Achebe’s novel in these two essays, I was writing under very great pressure of one and of discursive context….I was also constrained by the pressure of etiquette, the celebration of the anniversary of Achebe’s novel being a festive occasion in which one could not afford to be seen as being too sanguine in expressing one’s bitterness about the state of things in Nigeria, Africa and the world.”

NIGERIA – A New History Of A Turbulent Century 

5,000.00 5,000.00

A new history of a turbulent century

Known as the African giant, Nigeria’s story is complex and often contradictory. How, despite the ravages o colonialism, civil war, ongoing economic disappointment and most recently the Biko haram insurgency, has the country managed to stay together for a hundred years? Why, despite an abundance of oil, mineral and agricultural wealth, have so many of its people remained in poverty? These are the key questions explored by Richard Bourne in this remarkable and wide-ranging account of Nigeria’s history, from its creation in 1914 to the historic 2015 elections and beyond.


Revolution of Ideas

3,500.00 3,500.00

This is my fifth book. It’s a collection of some of my best economic ideas over time. It is focused on Nigeria to a large extent and encompasses my thoughts for our country and people. This book is named REVOLUTION OF IDEAS because the ideas herein are indeed out-of-the-box and revolutionary. I believe that the ideas that will transit Nigeria people of color out of the current state of pity, lie in the mind. I have put my perspective together here. I assure that you’ll find it indeed interesting. Let’s get going

My Vision – Challenges in the Race For Excellence

5,000.00 5,000.00

“With each new day in Africa, a gazelle wakes up knowing he must outrun the fastest lion or perish. At the same time, a lion stirs and stretches, knowing he must outrun the fastest gazelle or stave. It is no different for the human race. Whether you consider yourself a gazelle or a lion, you simply have to run faster than others to survive.


Abba Kyari – Portrait Of A Loyalist

4,000.00 4,000.00

What this book contains is a compilation of the good sides of the former Chief of Staff as espoused by his admirers whom I refer to as The Good; the not so bad accounts by those who felt let down and sidelined in the course of discharge of his duty as the ears and eyes of President Buhari, but tempered their anger with a balance of disappointment and compassion, and whom I have categorized as The Bad; and the very bitter ones amongst us who appear not ready to forgive Abba Kyari even in death and make no bones about their willingness to dance on his grave if they find the opportunity, perhaps owing to deep feelings of hurt arising from the loss of loved ones due to direct and indirect actions of Abba Kyari who they love to hate.

The Race For Capital

3,500.00 3,500.00

THE RACE FOR CAPITAL (And Other out-of-the-box Economic Arguments), is my third book and an aggregation of some my most important economic and financial thoughts in recent times, as distilled from my weekly column and elsewhere. The book’s title derives from the biggest economic argument of the day – the problem of inequality – which has finally been noticed by important economists around the world but to which no solution has yet been found. In this book, that argument is further advanced and an African perspective is added, because when ever important economic arguments such as this goes on, that most-vulnerable continent does not feature in the analysis. But the perspective of this book is not all about complaining about the state of Africa and its position development-wise, but also on solutions. Some germane solutions are hereby offered for African economies especially but every other economy around the world which seeks to reposition its people and make a dent in these hard-to-solve quagmires facing the world today. There are no simple solutions apparently.

Nelson Mandela

5,500.00 5,500.00

‘A little more than two decades after I made my first foray into political life, I stood in Mandela’s former cell in Robben Island. Standing there, I tried to transport myself back to those days when President Mandela was still Prisoner 466/64 – a time when the success of his struggle was by no means a certainty. I tried to imagine Mandela – the legend who had changed history – as Mandela the man who had sacrificed so much for change. Conversations with Myself does the world an extraordinary service in giving us that picture of Mandela the man.’


Things To Do Before Your Career Disappears

3,500.00 3,500.00

This book is a clarion call, an urgent alarm. It purviews beyond the problem of global unemployment, but speaks to economic and social decisions being made by individuals, households, companies and governments. The author seeks to find an intricate balance in between all of these. At least, if a balance was not achievable, he seeks to add his voice as one of those who pulled back the world from extremism. This time, the focus is on economic extremism.

Beyond Talent

4,500.00 4,500.00

John C Maxwell shows that talent is just the starting point for s successful impact in any organization. It is what takes you beyond your talent that matters.

People everywhere are proving him right. Read the headlines, watch the highlights, or just step out your front door. Some talented people reach their full potential, while others self-destruct or remain trapped in mediocrity. What makes the difference? Maxwell, the go to guru for business professionals across the globe, insists that the choices people make not merely the skills they inherit propel them to greatness. Among other truths, successful people know that.

Luther’s World Of Thought

4,500.00 4,500.00

This provocative analysis of Martin Luther’s thought and work encourages readers to delve into the social, political, and religious climate of the sixteenth century. How sis the patterns of thought Luther inherited from his mentors and teachers influence him? How did the evolving European class system and political climate support and hinder his reforming efforts? This classic text establishes the significance of Luther’s ninety-five these, then explores the great reformer’s ideas on topics as varied as faith, life and death, nature, the state, and the practice of translation.

  • Heinrich Bornkamm was a professor at Heidelberg University in Germany.

Thought Of A Village Boy

3,500.00 3,500.00

Oluwadele, in my opinion, has succeeded in bringing together an assembly of his writings over the years. The book – Thoughts of a Village Boy, represents a compendium of different areas of human endeavor and expression of author’s views on different issues in our national life.

The book is very rich in events and ideas from which people of all ages can learn. He is a very knowledgeable and highly talented writer. He has succeeded in prompting whoever reads this book to think deeply on how our country can be better governed and the role elites should as a matter of priority assume from now on. His take on his perception of Tinubu’s Philosophy of Poverty Management is worth considering. I believe the message is for our politicians and those aspiring office holders.

On Consulting

5,500.00 5,500.00


I am constantly amazed at how Bill Cohen is able to effectively and elegantly draw on his experiences as Drucker’s student and then tie it together with his own research. The result is something unexpectedlyelegant and highly unique. His newest book peter Drucker  on consulting is immensely useful, enjoyable to read and genuinely motivating. If you want to apply Drucker’s theories and see how to do them in the real world, this book is definitely the place to start

Grow To Be Great

4,500.00 4,500.00

No company ever shrank to greatness, conclude Dwight Gertz and Joao Baptista. Drawing upon their new study of more than 1000 large companies, the authors argue that managers must move beyond the current wave of downsizing, restructuring and reengineering. Contrary to current management fads, they contend that companies must grow to be great. Managers now involved in downsizing must consider long term goals for growth alongside short term measures for slimming. Gertz and Baptista shatter population corporate myths by revealing that growth opportunities are everywhere across all business sectors even in stable industries and in companies too big to grow.

Without Warning

3,500.00 3,500.00

Last night, enemies of the United States unleashed a cruel and cowardly attack. After ISIS terrorists attack the U.S Capitol building during the president’s State of the Union address, the entire world waits to see how the most powerful nation on earth will respond.

But the Taylor administration is more committed to political correctness than justice, and it falls to other nations to lead the way in hunting down Abu Khalif, the criminal and religious mastermind who heads the Islamic State.


2,500.00 2,500.00

Unspeakable crimes.

Unimaginable motives.

An unstoppable killer.

Forensic investigator Reilly Steel, Quantico-trained and California-born and bred, imagined Dublin to be a far cry from bustling San Francisco, a sleepy backwater where she can lay past ghost to rest and start anew, She’s arrived in Ireland to drag the Irish crime lab into the 21st century, plus keep tabs on her Irish-born father who’s increasingly seeking solace in the bottle after a family strategy.

A brutal serial killer soon puts paid to that. When a young man and woman are found dead in an apartment, the gunshot wounds on their naked bodies suggest a suicide pact, But Reilly’s instincts are screaming that something’s seriously amiss, and as more bodies are discovered, the team soon realizes that a twisted murderer is at work, one who seeks to upset society’s norms in the most sickening way imaginable…

Chris Hoy – The Autobiography

2,500.00 2,500.00

This 33-year-old cycling fanatic from Murrayfield in the suburbs of Edinburgh defied the doubters who thought he would struggle when his specialist discipline, the 1km time trial, was dropped from the Olympics, and went on to reinvent himself as a track cycling sprinter and triple Olympic gold medallist in Beijing. His return to these shores sparked unprecedented celebrations and real admiration that here was a role model who was the epitome of all things that are good in sport.

Jade: Forever In My Heart

3,000.00 3,000.00

In August 2008 Jade Goody received the shattering news that she had cervical cancer. She was only 27 years old. But with her usual strength of character, Jade was determined to beat the disease and carry on with life as normal with her two little boys. But in February 2009, Jade received the tragic news that any mother dreads to hear – the cancer had spread and was untreatable. Covering her initial diagnosis while appearing on Celebrity Big Brother in India, their emotional last Christmas as a family, her magical wedding to her partner Jack Tweed and her dying wish to be christened with her boys, Jade’s heart-breaking diary of her final months is set against a backdrop of flashbacks to her difficult early years and her rise to fame in the Big Brother house.

Shane Warne’s Century My Top 100 Test Cricketers

3,000.00 3,000.00

Shane Warne is arguably the greatest leg spin bowler cricket has ever seen. He enjoyed a record-breaking Test career with Australia, leading them to a 5-0 whitewash of England in 2007; a hugely successful period as captain of Hampshire; and before he officially retired he led a team of young hopefuls – the Rajasthan Royals – to win the newly created Indian Premier League in 2008. He is a born winner, whose opinion on cricket matters – not only to the general public but to his fellow players as well. His 2006 Times column about the top 50 Test players of all time broke records for the number of hits on the paper’s website – the public wanted to know his opinion of the players of his era. Now he has retired, he feels the time is right to put his extended thoughts down on paper.

Framework For Credit Risk Management

3,500.00 3,500.00

This manual serves as an excellent introduction to the variety of business context in which credit risk can occur. It explains the different types of credit risk and proceeds to examine how such risk can be anticipate and managed. All methods by which credit risk can be controlled are examined in turn; starting with a description of he principles of credit management and proceeding to explain the principles of good lending, credit venting, security, insurance and the overall management of the credit cycle.

The Economist – Management Ideas And Gurus

5,000.00 5,000.00

This guide provides a lively and accessible tour of the management thinking that has driven business change over the years and will continue to be influential. For managers everywhere, it will be an invaluable and entertaining source of reference.

PART ONE provides a clear overview of more than 100 ideas that have most influenced the management of business over the past century or so. As well as explaining each idea, it gives a brief run-down of the history behind it and lists suggestions for further reading.

PART TWO gives the low-down on more than 50 of world’s most influential management thinkers past and present. The majority are American – including what can be called the “Famous Five”: Peter Drucker, Douglas McGregor, Michael Porter, Alfred Sloan and Fredick Winslow Taylor – but more than 20 come from countries such as Britain, Japan, India, France and the Netherlands.

The Danger Zone – Avoid Working On The Statue Of Liberty!

2,500.00 2,500.00
  • For this project you’ll need to be both an artist and an engineer-don’t expect it to be easy.
  • You’ll be handling heavy materials, and you’ll need a head for heights.
  • Don’t forget that it can get extremely hot inside a huge copper statue.
  • Be prepared to help with fund raising-you could lose your job if the money doesn’t come in.


Just read Avoid Working o the Sta0tu4e of Liberty