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Bestseller Authors

Wedding Dress

2,500.00 2,500.00

Breaking down every detail of wedding dresses and suggesting which styles suit different body shapes, this title covers all components of the dress in addition to offering advice for essential accessories such as veils, shoes and bags. Advice for the larger bride, pregnant brides, bridesmaids and attendants is also included. Additional sections offer advice on what to consider when buying your dress. There are tips for wearing and looking after your dress on the big day as well as a comprehensive glossary.

Hope’s Wristwatch

3,500.00 3,500.00

whether in poetry or prose, the primary preoccupation of Tony Marinho’s art has always been to highlight, and to comment on the numerous ills that plague our contemporary world. Not for him, it seems, the luxury or indulgence, of ‘art for art’s sake, when everywhere you look, we are assailed by a multitude of problems-HIV/AIDS, war, poverty, corruption, prostitution, child slavery, etc….

Granny’s Special Cookery Book

2,000.00 2,000.00

Granny’s cookery book with its combination of Nigerian and Brazilian recipes is the realization of the ninety year old author’s dream of hoping to share and pass on her culinary experiences to “young modern-day homemakers and wives who may not have been privileged to grow up around the cooking pot.” This handy book, creatively wand attractively designed will help popularize African cuisine.

Things Fall Apart 

3,000.00 3,000.00

“…In the writing of the two essays in this book, I went to great lengths to press my readings of Achebe’s first novel, things Fall Apart, into service in an effort to see hopeful signs in otherwise quite bleak circumstances in Nigeria and Africa…in each of the respective readings of Achebe’s novel in these two essays, I was writing under very great pressure of one and of discursive context….I was also constrained by the pressure of etiquette, the celebration of the anniversary of Achebe’s novel being a festive occasion in which one could not afford to be seen as being too sanguine in expressing one’s bitterness about the state of things in Nigeria, Africa and the world.”

NIGERIA – A New History Of A Turbulent Century 

5,000.00 5,000.00

A new history of a turbulent century

Known as the African giant, Nigeria’s story is complex and often contradictory. How, despite the ravages o colonialism, civil war, ongoing economic disappointment and most recently the Biko haram insurgency, has the country managed to stay together for a hundred years? Why, despite an abundance of oil, mineral and agricultural wealth, have so many of its people remained in poverty? These are the key questions explored by Richard Bourne in this remarkable and wide-ranging account of Nigeria’s history, from its creation in 1914 to the historic 2015 elections and beyond.


Revolution of Ideas

3,500.00 3,500.00

This is my fifth book. It’s a collection of some of my best economic ideas over time. It is focused on Nigeria to a large extent and encompasses my thoughts for our country and people. This book is named REVOLUTION OF IDEAS because the ideas herein are indeed out-of-the-box and revolutionary. I believe that the ideas that will transit Nigeria people of color out of the current state of pity, lie in the mind. I have put my perspective together here. I assure that you’ll find it indeed interesting. Let’s get going

The Millionaire Fastlane

4,500.00 4,500.00

There is a fast lane to millions, a short cut paved by mathematics, where you can live rich now versus dying rich later. Instead, you have been brainwashed by an army of financial gurus who pitch a dream killing dogma known as get rich slow, their suffocating plan promises elderly riches by recklessly gambling your financial future to the stock market, the job market and the housing market. Reject hope and pray as a financial plan, switch lanes, go fast lane and awaken your dreams to reality

Change is Going To Come

3,500.00 3,500.00

CHANGE IS GOING TO COME is a compendium of engaging essays and ideas for developing countries to rethink their state and get out of economic morass. It is not a political book but a book of interrogation on questions such as: What does change really mean? It contains common-sensical but overlooked solutions to problems such as the proper use of resources, thinking right socially and politically, and being realistic in an unrealistic environment. Put together by one of the Nigeria’s finest rising economic analysts, it is a simple book written in a conversational manner that will help to get people thinking right – if they listen.

Beyond Talent

4,500.00 4,500.00

John C Maxwell shows that talent is just the starting point for s successful impact in any organization. It is what takes you beyond your talent that matters.

People everywhere are proving him right. Read the headlines, watch the highlights, or just step out your front door. Some talented people reach their full potential, while others self-destruct or remain trapped in mediocrity. What makes the difference? Maxwell, the go to guru for business professionals across the globe, insists that the choices people make not merely the skills they inherit propel them to greatness. Among other truths, successful people know that.

The Business Model Book

3,500.00 3,500.00

Great business models drive rapid growth; bad business models can doom the most promising ventures. The business model book clearly shows you how to create, test, adapt and innovate successful business models for any company in any situation.

Every company has a business model. When the business model works, the company create value. The business model book combines the latest research, straightforward tools and current examples to bring this surprisingly tricky topic to life. Your company changes over time, and so should your business model

Without Warning

3,500.00 3,500.00

Last night, enemies of the United States unleashed a cruel and cowardly attack. After ISIS terrorists attack the U.S Capitol building during the president’s State of the Union address, the entire world waits to see how the most powerful nation on earth will respond.

But the Taylor administration is more committed to political correctness than justice, and it falls to other nations to lead the way in hunting down Abu Khalif, the criminal and religious mastermind who heads the Islamic State.

How the west came to rule

5,500.00 5,500.00

How the west came to rule offers a unique interdisciplinary account which argues that capitalisms origins should be understood as the outcome of global processes in which non-European societies played a decisive role. Through an analysis of Mongolian expansion, new world discoveries, ottoman habsburg rivalry, the development of the Asian colonies and bourgeois revolutions. Alexander Anievas and Karem Nisancioglu explain how these diverse events and processes came together to produce capitalism

Histories Of Nations

4,000.00 4,000.00

How do writers and citizens in the different countries of the world view their own past? What key events and influences shaped those perspectives? And how accurate arevthe views of foreing commentators? Here, leading writers and scholars from twenty-eight countries give thoughtful, engaging accounts of their won nation’s history. The diverse and wide-ranging narratives offer a unique lens through which to view the modern world


3,000.00 3,000.00

Thelonious ‘Monk’ Ellison is an erudite but seldom-read author who insists on writing obscure literary papers and avant-garde fiction rather than the writing obscure the ‘ghetto prose’ that would buy him commercial success. After witnessing, with horror, the runaway success of the latest novel in the genre, We’s Lives in Da Ghetto, he sits back with a parody called My Pafology (later retitled Fuck) which he submits, to the dismay of his agent, under pseudonym Stagg R. Leigh.

I Know This Much: From Soho To Spandau

3,000.00 3,000.00

I Know This Much – by Gary Kemp, Spandau Ballet’s prime mover – is simply the freshest, most exciting and best-written memoir to arrive for years.

Gary’s story begins in North London, where the Kemp family rented a home with no bathrooms and chickens in the yard. After a couple of failed attempts to kill his brother Martin, his parents gave him a guitar for Christmas.

From schoolyard battles between the Bowie Boys and the Prog Rockers to Mrs Kemp’s firm insistence on net curtains, from acting for the Children’s Film Foundation to manning a fruit and veg stall on Saturdays, Gary brilliantly evokes an upbringing full of love, creativity and optimism.

As the Thatcher years begin, Gary’s account of the outrageous London club scene centred around the Blitz and Billy’s is just sizzling. Out of this glamorous mayhem of kilt-wearing mascara’d peacocks would emerge Spandau Ballet – the band that would define the era, and hold high the victorious standard of the New Romantics.


Selling Out

2,500.00 2,500.00

Book two of the Quantum Gravity series sees Lila Black drawn into the intoxicatingly dangerous demon realm. Capricious, in love with beauty, demons are best left to themselves. This is not easy when they can’t resist tampering with humans.

Justina Robson’s new series is a joyful melding of science fiction and fantasy brought together in the figure of the dangerously lovely Lila Black, a 21-year-old secret agent who’s had much of her body replaced with weapon-and-armor-heavy intelligent metal and who isn’t sure where her mind ends and her installed AI begins. Lila’s world is one where demons, elves, and elementals live alongside people. And somehow Lila and the other agents of the security agency have to provide security for all and stay alive themselves.

An Introduction To Bond Market – Third Edition

5,000.00 5,000.00

The bond markets have grown in importance in recent years and witnessed significant advances in design structure. The third edition of Professor Moorad Choudhry’s benchmark reference text An Introduction to Bond Markets brings readers up to date with latest developments and market practice. It offers a detailed yet accessible and reader-friendly look at the main instruments, and is aimed specifically at newcomers to the market or those unfamiliar with modern fixed income products. The author capitalizes on wealth of experience in the bond markets to present this concise yet-in-depth coverage of bonds and associated derivatives.

Dork Diaries – Crush Catastrophe

3,000.00 3,000.00

Nikki Maxwell and her BFFs are all counting down to the end of the school year. Nikki thinks she hasher summer all figured out with lots of fun plans to hang out with her friends and her crush, Brandon. Its going to be perfect! Squeee!

But then a new boy turns up at school and shows interest in Nikki and things become confusing super-quickly! The last thing Nikki wants to do is hurt Brandon…..what do you do when you accidentally crush your crush?!

The Misadventures Of Max Crumbly – Locker Hero

3,000.00 3,000.00

Max Crumbly is about to face the scariest place he’s ever been: South Ridge Middle School.

There’s a lot that’s great about his new school, but there’s also one big problem- Doug aka Thug Thurston, the school bully whose new hobby is stuffing Max in his locker.

If only Max could be like the heroes in all the comics he likes to read-or the ones he draws. Unfortunately, Max’s uncanny, almost superhuman ability to small pizza from a mile away won’t exactly save any lives or foil bad guys. But that doesn’t mean max won’t do his best to be the hero his school needs!

Dork Diaries – Holiday Heartbreak

3,000.00 3,000.00

Squeee! Brandon, who Nikki has been crushing on FOREVER, has finally asked her on an almost-date! But when he starts acting weirdly and Nikki’s worried that Brandon doesn’t like her after all….

With a special dance coming up where girls ask boys, Nikki wants to ask Brandon, but what if she be brave enough to invite him, or will she be left at home like a true Dork-arella?

Missing – Missing Without Trace In Ireland

3,000.00 3,000.00

Barry Cummins examines the cases of Ireland’s women and children who have vanished in sinister and mysterious circumstances. Missing looks at who may be responsible for these disappearances.

This book outlines, in clear and disturbing detail, the fact that some of Ireland’s most cold and calculating killers have not been caught.

They are some of Ireland’s most famous names, for all the wrong reasons. They are Ireland’s missing women, many of them murdered and their bodies hidden by evil killers who remain at large. They include American woman Annie McCarrick who was murdered in the Dublin-Wicklow mountains; Jo Jo Dullard who was abducted and murdered while hitching a lift in County Kildare; and former model Fiona Pender who was seven months pregnant when she and her unborn child were murdered and hidden at an unknown location in the midlands.

And then there are Ireland’s two long-term missing children. What ever happened to little Mary Boyle, the seven-year old County Donegal girl last seen walking near her grandparents home over a quarter of a century ago? And where is Philip Cairns, who was only thirteen years old when he was abducted from a Dublin roadside while walking to school in 1986?